Rich Bold Hair Color for Spring
Spring is the season to start getting rid of those deep washed out looks and begin adding bright and cheery shades such as caramel, butterscotch, maple and mahogany.
This spring think richness, shine and bold. Platinum blonde will not be as hot, but consider a warm blonde tone with some honey highlights. Redheads and brunettes will definitely overpower the blonde this year.
Hot color choices will be cinnamon, chestnut, chocolate, auburn, maple and strawberry tones. But do not leave the black out. Expect to see black hair with hues of butterscotch, black hair with a strawberry face framing the front, or black with brown, red or gold hues throughout the entire head.
Black hair may give some a very exotic and seductive look, but if you choose the wrong black color it can give you a very washed out look. Black hair color choices can be velvet black, jet black, darkest brown ( which appears soft black ), or a raven black.
Dramatic reds, deep brunettes with plum and cinnamon accents will take center stage while platinum blonde will take a back seat. Blondes in general are being redefined, strawberry and copper shades will be in the warm realm.
Before you choose your new spring hair color, make sure your hair is in tip-top shape by conditioning it, trim the split ends and create shine.
After your hair is colored always remember to maintain the color by adding a hair color glaze, use color enhancing shampoos, use cooler water to rinse the hair, avoid dandruff shampoos and keep the hair protected from the sun by using a sunscreen or by wearing a hat.
Interpretation of these bold trends can be translated in more conservative ways for everyday wear, of course. There are many looks showcased in fashion every season that appear to be unwearable to the everyday person. It is one of the finer skills of the hair colorist to make even the most creative look accessible to the client.
Now is the time to ditch the drab and discover new vibrancy with a rich bold hair color for spring.
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